Saturday, May 28, 2011


I know that I need to get better at this - this writing thing. I've had so many things happening in my life that I regret not taking the time to log in and slap it down. There is no good reason. I am simply lazy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A to Z

A. Age: 33

B. Bed size: King. Best purchase ever.

C. Chore you dislike: Cleaning the bathroom.

D. Dogs: One big baby named Cabo. Have had him since he was 8 weeks old.

E. Essential start to your day: Washing my face.

F. Favorite color: purple

G. Gold or silver: silver

H. Height: 5 foot 4. I hate that I am so short.

I. Instruments you play(ed): None... I am not in the least musically inclined.

J. Job title: Wife, mom, head crafter

K. Kids: 2 Girlies

L. Live: In a red brick ranch in the burbs.

M. Mom’s name: Doesn't apply.

N. Nicknames: Jame, Ja, Mama, Mommy, Mom, Mother... you get the idea.

O. Overnight hospital stays: For the birth of B (1997), for the hernia while pregnant with H (2001), for kidney stones while pregnant with H (2001), for early labor with H (2001), (finally!) for H's birth(2001), for my breast reduction (2006), for my hysteroscopy and removal of my uterus (2009).

P. Pet peeves: Animals locked in cars while their owners shop or eat. Lifetime welfare recipients. Interrupting. Pathological liars. Two faced people. Backyard breeders. Lifelong welfare recipients. Those who cannot accept blame or responsibility for their actions/words. People who think they are entitled.

Q. Quote from a movie: "If you can't say anything nice, come sit by me" Clairee in Steel Magnolias

R. Righty or lefty: Righty.

S. Siblings: we won't go there.

T. Time you wake up: It depends on the day and my awful sleep patterns.

U. Underwear: Victoria Secret cotton are my fave

V. Vegetables you don’t like: Asparagus, Artichokes, Brussel Sprouts

W.What makes you run late: Usually my own slowness - or my children.

X. X-rays you’ve had: Too many to remember - broken bones, asthma and teeth

Y. Yummy food you make: I bake all kinds of yummy foods- cakes, cheesecakes, cookies, muffins, etc. I cannot cook, however.

Z. Zoo animal favorites: Flamingos - how cool are pink birds?

Some Questions

Are you married? Happily for nearly 14 years

How do you like your steak? I don't like steak

What is your favorite TV show? Parenthood

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Near the beach

What is your favorite cuisine? Junk food.

What is your least favorite food?

Favorite Place to eat? Don Pablos or Max & Ermas

Favorite dressing? Ranch

How many tattoos do you have? One.

Where would you visit if you had the chance? Italy

Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Depends on the hour.

Where would you want to retire? The beach.

Favorite time of the day? Bedtime.

Where were you born? Pittsburgh Hospital.

What is your favorite sport to watch? Penguins Hockey

Bird Watcher? Only when that cool looking giant bird is in my yard.

Do you consider yourself attractive? Ehh.

Pets? Two felines and one canine.

What did you want to be when you were little? A big sister. As it turns out, it's not all that great.

What is your best childhood memory? Christmases with my Pap

Always wear your seat belt? Yes

Do you smoke? Nope, never did.

Do you sing? To embarrass my Girlies.

Favorite pizza topping? onions

Favorite flower? Not sure I have a favorite - I like different flowers in each season. Lilacs, Hyacinths, Irises and Daisies are high on the list.

Favorite Ice cream? Strawberry

Favorite Fast food? Chick Fl A

At what store would you like to max out your credit card? Macy's

What is your favorite color? Purple

Coffee drinker? Noooo way.